Should You Include a Breast Lift with Your Mommy Makeover?

Written on June 20, 2015 at 10:33 pm

The changes the body goes through as a result of pregnancy can sometimes have unflattering aftereffects. That’s why many women choose to undergo a customized set of procedures known as a mommy makeover to regain their pre-baby body. Most commonly, women choose a tummy tuck and some sort of breast enhancement. But what are the advantages to including a breast lift with your mommy makeover?

Breast Sagging after Pregnancy

Because the breasts normally swell with milk immediately after pregnancy, many women find that their breasts undergo a significant, albeit temporary, increase in size. This size boost can stretch out the breast skin, and after milk production has stopped and pregnancy hormones have returned to their normal levels, the stretched-out skin can create a deflated appearance, leading to breast sagging.

A breast lift is a surgical procedure that reshapes the breast tissue and lifts the breasts to a higher position. Finally, a breast lift tightens and smoothes breast skin while excising any extra, creating a perkier, more youthful figure. The sagging that can result from pregnancy and nursing makes a breast lift one of the most popular procedures to include in a mommy makeover.

Is a Breast Lift Right for You?

Not every woman wants or needs a breast lift. Many women instead choose breast augmentation with implants to replace lost volume, while others combine breast enhancement procedures. It’s important to time your mommy makeover for the best results and talk to your plastic surgeon about your cosmetic goals before making any final decisions about your new look.